According to Punxsutawney Phil, spring is on its way! I’ve been following this little dude for years and I can’t remember the last time he DIDN’T see his shadow, predicting an early spring is on its way! Could it be true? This is the best news I’ve heard in a while. Besides being able to start the thaw out process, this means we can also start to ease into some fun spring fashion. Here is a roadmap with day by day outfit inspiration, all adding up to one week of stylish ideas to kick off spring (whenever it might really get here)!

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Monday is always the day where it is super hard to roll out of bed because you’re just getting back to the grind from the weekend. Just going to be honest, it is the day of dreading EVERYTHING. To make your day more exciting, style it up and try out a mini skirt, long comfy sweater, and little Doc Martin boots.

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Tuesday your slowly marking off each day to the weekend. You think to yourself, lets just get through this day, then it will be the middle of the week. On Tuesdays, I feel that I can be more fashionable creative. Here I pop in some color, with the tee shirt, ripped jeans, and. Each piece of attire adding more attitude to the outfit to help get through Tuesday.

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Wednesday — two days down, two more to go! You can smell the weekend around the corner, and start to pump out the cozy flannel and mini skirt with Doc Martens. The flannel is for comfort and to help warm up the still chilly mornings, and mini skirt to get excited for warmer weather. Pair with a cute concert tee under the flannel and when it gets nice and toasty during the school day, tie the flannel around your waist and you are ready for the rest of the day. Temperature controlled and looking good! As you can see, having the combination of a long sleeve top and a short skirt, gets you ready for weather that starts out chilly, but ends with warmer temps as you leave the school day behind and say hello to the warm spring air.

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Thursday, you are so close to a break – to freedom and weekend adventures. On the weekend you get to ‘dress up’ to go out with friends to hang out. Thursday is the day to start generating those fashion ideas. Since spring is the slow road to summer, it is perfect timing for bringing out summer rompers and spunky sneakers. I like wearing this red romper, white Toms, and a jean jacket (mine is from American Eagle) for the chilly mornings on spring Thursdays. I’ve found the best rompers from Forever 21 and Aerie. They are a great transitional piece that you can wear 65 percent of the year).

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It’s finally Friday, the day we’ve been waiting for! You better be busting out style on steroids because that’s the best way to start the weekend. Spring says white jeans are back, which means you better wear them now, because labor day comes sooner than you think. White jeans, a jean shirt, and Birkenstocks, says it all, especially on a Friday.