Sugar Me Desserterie was one of my second CCS trips. I went last week and it was so good! To learn more about CCS read this post. This was not the first time I’ve been to Sugar Me, but I’ve never sat there in the seating area. It was actually very nice and cozy in there. I felt like I was in somebody’s home. The air smelled sweet and I heard lots of “beep beep” as the timer went off.
Here are some pictures from my trip to Sugar Me:
Some of my favorite things to get are:
The lemon squares, the butter cookies, cupcakes, and my all time favorite, the cakes. They are the best. My favorite is white cake with white buttercream frosting, but they will make whatever you want. So if you have a birthday soon, totally don’t forget to place your order with Sugar Me. You don’t understand how many nights I want just a slice or two of that cake, it’s on my craving list.

Here is the menu:

They have so many different pastries that I have not all tried yet, but they all seem so good. The ones I’ve had were amazing! If you ever go there get a bite to eat and sit in the little sitting area. It is not very big so get a good spot!
There is only one main location and that is in Chagrin Falls, OH. It is also kind of hard to find so I would use your nav to help you.
This bakery is all natural ingredients, they make everything themselves. The best part about it is they make all the original kinds of cookies, cakes, and treats. Original can be best, you’ll never know until you try it, though. 🙂 Anything you could ask for is here in this bakery!
If you want to learn more about my last trip to Restore Cold Press, visit here.
Love you all,